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Foreo’s Luna: A New Alternative to the Clarisonic, A Silicone Deep Facial Cleanser

Foreo Luna Review

Recently, Foreo sent me their Luna, a totally new way to clean your face. It’s just now hitting the market here in the US, and it promises to be a new alternative to the Clarisonic. So, they asked me to take it for a spin and let my readers know how I liked it.

Foreo Luna Review

So, yes, the Luna doesn’t look like it should be cleaning your face, does it? (I won’t say what my husband thought it was… but get your mind out of the gutter!)

It’s pretty easy to use. Just put some soap/cleanser on your face, hit the power button and use the Luna to wash your face. The entire thing vibrates, and you can use the +/- buttons to change the frequency. It’s an interesting feeling, it feels like the vibration is going all the way down to your muscles. The first few times I used it I wasn’t sure if it was actually cleaning my face or just vibrating things. I’m not gonna lie, I kept using it because it felt good. The vibration moves everything around and its just relaxing and feels great after a long day.

I do think that the Luna helps to clean my face more than a regular wash cloth, though I miss the mild exfoliation from my Clarisonic. (Check out my post comparing different deep cleansing facial brushes.)

The Luna is great for big areas like my cheek and forehead, but is really hard to maneuver around my nose. Which is a bit disappointing since I think that’s the spot that needs the most deep cleaning. Similar to the Clarisonic, the Luna folks have those images of cleansing with their system vs regular cleansing, the results pretty much speak for themselves. You want to clean with this machine multiple times a day after seeing the pictures on the Foreo site.

The back side of the Luna is meant to help apply your anti-aging skin care. Yes, there really is science to back up vibrations letting skin care sink into the skin, though I don’t know how the vibrations provided by the Luna compare to other transdermal devices. I’ve been using it on my face once I’ve applied my serums, lotions, etc. I’m not sure that it helps everything sink in faster, but it definitely feels good!

The LUNA™’s Anti-Aging Mode channels pulsations through a curved surface of concentric ridges to relax the face’s muscle-tension points, smoothing the skin and helping to prevent dynamic wrinkles and expression lines. The low-frequency pulsations provide a focused boost to blood micro-circulation in wrinkle-prone areas, nourishing with oxygen and nutrients, increasing cell renewal and supporting the production of collagen and elastin to restore the skin’s firmness and elasticity.

The Luna itself is a pretty nifty design. It’s waterproof, and the battery lasts for a very long time. Over 450 uses they say, which means you can charge it once and use it for at least 6 months without recharging. One less thing to bring with you while on a trip! There are different versions of the Luna depending on your skin type, mine is the normal/sensitive version.

Do I like the Luna more than my Clarisonic? I’m not sure. I hid the Clarisonic in a drawer for the first week or so of using the Luna because I kept wanting to grab that instead. Once I was used to the Luna I did really like it (especially that vibrating massage of my face), and now that I’ve brought out my Clarisonic again I admit that they’re both living on my bathroom counter, in a monument to expensive face cleansing machinery. I’ve been going back and forth between them. I tend to grab the Clarisonic at night when I need to get all of the makeup off and I like that the Clarisonic is better around my nose. But… once I have to apply my skin care I’m grabbing the Luna to help apply my skin care. I love the little facial massage at night.

Have you tried the Luna? I’d love to know what you think!

You can find the Foreo Luna on Sephora, ULTA or Amazon.
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I’m a doctor, a mommy and a bit of a beauty addict. If you let me, I can take 2 hours to get ready in the morning. Really. I'm on a quest for faster beauty that works!

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  1. 8.2.13
    Cw said:

    I bought a Clarisonic b/c I wanted a scrubber to remove the skin flakes I was experiencing with Retin A when I started using it again but I found that even the most sensitive head brush was too harsh on my skin even when I very lightly glided it across my skin. Removing makeup w it I feel would clog up the brushes even more and it looks like this Luna model w its rounded brushes would just vibrate but not clean. For removing makeup and sunscreen I have been using the DHC oil cleanser, works like a charm to remove everything off leaving my skin clean and dewy. Thanks for posting!

  2. 8.3.13

    Oh, I am so sorry to not have met you at Blogher'13. Dang. I so enjoy your posts and read them all the time. I wish I'd known you would be there I would have somehow found you. You can read my post about blogher '13 here. If you consider this spam just don't approve. But lets make sure to meet mext year.


  3. 8.3.13

    Sandra! I SWEAR I saw you there, I recognize you in your post! You partied a lot more than I did, I'm a quiet girl at heart and spent most of my time with beauty bloggers that I've known for about 5 years. My friend Courtney already has her recap up, I'm in it a few times here:

    Though, on Tuesday I'll be posting what happened on Tuesday morning, when I CHOPPED a ton of hair off, so I looked pretty different on Saturday! Hopefully I'll make it there next year!

  4. 8.30.13

    So glad I found this review! I was trying to figure it out!

  5. 9.20.13

    Hi! I was about to write a comparison of these two devices and I couldn't agree with you more on missing the exfoliation part of the clarisonic being a tad better than the luna! I don't know if you have the same conclusion, but i keep going back to my clarisonic for that "deep clean" feel…