Comments on: All About Adding Retinoids Mon, 29 Aug 2022 00:51:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: 15mins Fri, 15 Sep 2017 12:48:35 +0000 In reply to Kirsten Norman.

So the “low and slow” really only describes starting with a low percent of retinoid (or a lower strength) and slowly increasing in frequency of use and then increasing the strength and/or concentration. I’ve been told by dermatologists that you need to use your retinoid at least every 3rd day to see the benefits, which does make sense to me. Some of what you’re doing is altering the cell’s function, and it will revert. Every other week will not give you the benefits. The effects of a prescription retinoid will be more, but you’ll also see more side effects such as redness and irritation. It really depends on what your own skin can handle, I know a bunch of derms who can’t handle prescription strength and use over the counter themselves. You only need 1 retinoid, no need to use a prescription and over the counter! I hope that helps.

By: Kirsten Norman Wed, 13 Sep 2017 16:19:19 +0000 Do you have any insight on the newly hyped “low and slow” use of retinoids? I think it’s a lower concentration, and then you use it every other week. Also, is prescription tretinoin clinically shown to be more effective that otc retinoids? I forget, though I’m aware that the skin processes them differently due to the different chemical structures. Would you want to use both rx and otc if your skin can tolerate it? There are also otc products that have more than one form of retinoid; are these more effective?

By: Jennifer Tue, 12 Sep 2017 16:02:06 +0000 Great info!
