As someone that has been a beauty blogger for over 5 years, it has been interesting to see the evolution of blogging. I started on my sofa in my little So Cal home. Just me and my beauty products. It was a fairly new medium, while we had readers there wasn’t a lot of attention from the media, public relations firms, you name it. 5 years later I get hundreds of emails a week (and often more than 100 a day) from PR reps, I get invites to Fashion Week and other events… really it is a bit insane. Obviously being based in the midwest I can’t take advantage of these invites, and there are quite a few that I wish I could!
Since the majority of these invites are in New York City, I’ve managed to convince someone to be the new “15 Minute Beauty NYC Girl”. Which means that if there’s something in New York that really interests me, and she has time and wants to go, then she’ll be the one that gets to indulge in the events, the salon appointments, etc. Today is her first post, a review of a salon that I’ve been hearing a lot about and I couldn’t resist sending her to check it out.
So, I’m really excited to introduce you to Mallory! Mallory is the daughter of my friend Pam, and while she and I haven’t met in person we’ve been communicating via her mom, emails, and notes for years! I set aside products for her, I hear updates on her life all the time… you get the picture.
Mallory is a college student in New York, currently studying dance. She spends her days running from class to rehearsal to work… If anyone understands the need for a quick and easy beauty routine it is her!
Gorgeous girl and she's so lucky to be able to experience events like this.